About Isaac’s Apple

About Sir Isaac’s Apple

The Sir Isaac’s Apple system of applications is used to observe and record measurements from the sensors embedded in our smart devices.  Real time sensor measurements can be observed on a graph and saved to a file. There are many interesting experiments in science and physics that become possible using the accelerometers, magnetometers, gyroscopes, and other sensors embedded in our phones and tablets.

Applications to Observe Sensors

The observer application is available for iPad and Windows PC.  Both applications can show real time sensor readings and save the measurements to a file. The iPad application can also use its internal sensors.

Sir Isaac’s Apple Observer for iPad

The iPad observer application can watch and record sensor measurements using its own internal sensors, or connected to remote devices. You can connect to an Android phone running the app, or to the Broadcom WICED Sense device.

The PC observer application is used to watch and record sensor measurements from an Android device running the app.  The PC observer application is also used to convert measurement files into .CSV format to be graphed in a spreadsheet.  Files synced online from the iPad app can be downloaded to your computer using the PC observer application.

Isaac’s Apple on Windows PC


Remote Sensor Devices

The observer applications can connect to different devices and display the measurements from the sensors embedded in the remote device.


The Android application is used to monitor and broadcast sensor data over Wi-Fi to an observer application. You can select which of the phone’s sensors you would like to monitor, and set the sampling interval for measurements.


BCM9WICED_SENSE-2The WICED Sense by Broadcom is a small and inexpensive device targeted at developers of motion sensing internet of things applications.  This device, no bigger than your keychain, is a wonderful tool to bring real time accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer measurements into a science or physics classroom.  The WICED Sense device can connect to the iPad observer application using Bluetooth.





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